World day against child labour

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The world day against child labour will be celebrated on June 12 th 2009, an occasion to remind everybody about the situation of disadvantaged children in the world.

Child labour still represents a sad reality in many countries in the world, especially in India, which is the largest market of child workforce in the world. It is estimated that 60 million children under 14 work in India, among them 10 million work in slavery. Child labour represents almost 20% of India GDP.

The world day against child labour will be an opportunity to remind everybody of the issue of child labour, and the challenges that still remain to undertake for its total eradication. The situation of girls,  who are the most concerned by exploitation through labour, will be emphasized.

Moreover, this day will an opportunity to assess the efforts made  by institutions, NGOs and governements, in order to improve the well being of children. An occasion for Humanium to communicate on its actions in favour of the children of India.