Testimonial – Morgane Daget

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Morgane, a graduate student in International Cooperation and Multilingual Communication, has carried out a six month internship in charge of projects at Humanium.

“Six months ago, I was jumping for joy as I had just received the internship offer from Olivier as project manager.

I decided to join Humanium for many reasons but above all as a result of an experience that left an impression on me during a stay in India. Having been a witness to serious domestic violence towards a child and not being able to find the legal means to help him, I promised myself that it would never happen again. Convinced that the means existed to bring help to all children in trouble, I hoped to be able to contribute to the cause by teaming up with Humanium.

Thanks to this internship, I achieved two goals: on a daily basis I could put my technical skills to work as project manager for the service of children but also join forces with the trainees of Children’s Rights to promote those rights throughout the world through the Children’s Rights Portal. Soon, every country will have its own folder of information on the website and each person will then have access to a range of tools which will allow them to help children and no longer feel powerless!

Every day, I had the chance to interact with the volunteers all around the world who lend themselves to the service of children by offering their skills: some share their own stories with us, others photos, others produce translations, and someopen doors to local aid networks for the children in their country…but one thing brings us together, the will to help children worldwide!

Each person close to Humanium brings something to the table, in their own way! So it is with pride that I leave Humanium, with the feeling of having contributed to the accomplishment of all the beautiful things at the heart of such a dynamic group, driven by a touch of madness (Fanny), enthusiasm (Marie), but also hungry (Olivia) for asserting children’s rights in an ethical and responsible light worldwide…I have no worries about the rest: things are in safe hands!

Thanks again to Olivier for his extreme patience, to Arndt for our beautiful discussions, to Shaya for her unconditional love, and to the girls who were adorable throughout this internship!”