The right to water recognized as a fundamental right

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Last July, the United Nations recognized that the right to water is a fundamental right. Yet, in the world and in particular in India, this right is far from being a reality. The Humanium NGO takes action at the local level in order for this right to become reality in Indian villages.

Since July 28th 2010, the right to pure drinking water and waste water systems is considered a fundamental right by the United Nations. However, each year, close to 1.8 million under 5 children die of ilnesses such as diarrhea, caused by polluted water. In India, close to 20% of the rural population does not have access to drinking water. Water related Ilnesses, such as cholera or tuberculosis, kill thousands of children every year.

The Humanium Association has commited itself for the right to have access to water in India. This right means, first and foremost, having access to pure and safe water, that has a reliable distribution system in all circumstances. Humanium installs and renovates water points in villages. Recycling and water tanks are put in. Humanium also ensures that villagers have access to proper sanitization, encouraging the population to use individual toilet as well as raising public awareness concerning essential hygiene principles.

In the village of Sankarapuram, villagers now have access to a drinking water that is clean and safe. Thanks to your donation, you can help making the right to pure drinking water a reality for thousands of children and families!