Justice of children
What is justice?
Justice for children encompasses legal measures to protect their rights and welfare, extending beyond criminal contexts. It includes principles of child-friendly justice from international standards, covering non-criminal court proceedings, such as public law cases involving local authorities and private law cases within family life.
International rules for the justice of children
An integral part of achieving the rule of law and its related objectives lies in the treatment of children by national legal, social, and judicial systems and security institutions.
Children in the justice system
Every year, thousands of children come into contact with the justice system. They may be involved in criminal justice proceedings due to conflicts with the law, or because they witnessed or became victims of crimes, or a combination.
Juvenile Law
Juvenile law is a complex and multifaceted area of legal practice that addresses the intersection of the legal system with the unique needs and circumstances of minors. Understanding juvenile law is crucial for building healthy societal foundations.
Juvenile Justice
With 1.3 to 1.5 million children detained annually, the failures of juvenile justice systems are unfortunately evident. States must rigorously enforce juvenile justice principles to protect children from the violent and harmful conditions of custody.
Detained children
The significant number of detained children points to the urgent need for heightened awareness and concerted efforts towards safeguarding the rights and well-being of these vulnerable youths.