Higher education aid project in India
Higher education aid projectA project providing financial support to young people from poor families seeking to pursue higher education.
Project descriptionThis project provides concrete financial support for 14 adolescents approaching the conclusion of their studies. Educational materials, school fees and in some cases accommodation are among the costs to be met. Higher education is a major investment in India, and one that poor families cannot take for granted.
Humanium therefore gives these young people a chance to escape poverty. Degree in hand, they will have access to well-paid jobs and be able to help their families meet their needs. These young people each have a unique story. Vijayan, for example, comes from a gypsy family whose frequent changes of location made regular attendance at school difficult. Despite this, he has caught up on all his studies and now needs support in order to pursue a degree in commerce.
Finally, Dinesh worked in a mechanic’s shop for three years after primary school. On returning to school, he completely caught up on his studies but still needs financial assistance to complete his third year of university study in science. |