Humanium is helping the Himalayan people feed themselves!

Posted on Posted in Association's life, Health

Humanium is supporting the Norlha project and is helping the residents of Sershul become strong and healthy!

Supporting themselves mainly through agriculture and yak farming, these residents have to deal with very harsh weather conditions: for 7 months, temperatures are in the negative, sometimes reaching -30°C.

In these conditions, it’s difficult to imagine growing vegetables. There is a severe shortage of vegetables in the village, enhanced by the fact that people cannot buy them here. The cost to transport them by truck to this remote region is too high, a troubling situation, considering how important vegetables are to health, especially a child’s.


Thanks to this project, Gyaltso is improving the health of his wife and 3 children. He recognized the importance of a balanced diet rich in vegetables. He has a greenhouse where vegetables grow wonderfully. The harvest last August was bountiful: he was able to completely satisfy his needs and the needs of his family. He even had a surplus, which he distributed with joy among the community.

So, our thanks go out to all the donors who contributed to improving the health of the children of Sershul and their families.