India faces many violations of human rights, and more importantly of childrens’s rights. Every day, thousands of Indian children lose their lives because of violations of their most fundamental rights. Moreover, India is also subject to major discrimination attitudes against women, and against tribal populations and untouchables, despite of the cast system abolition in the country.
Make the Children’s Rights a reality.
Promote a long-lasting respect of Human Rights.
Humanium’s projects aims at ensuring the developement of a sense of dignity and the fullfilment of the people. The organization sticks to the principles of Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN, 1989) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN, 1948).
Raising public awareness of Human Rights and the Rights of the Child
Humanium organizes awareness campaigns to inform people of Human Rights and the Rights of the Child, in order to prevent Human Rights violations in the long term.
These campaigns put forward the most important aspects of Human Rights promotion :
Eradication of child labour ;
The respect of Women’s and Girls’ Rights ;
The elimination of all forms of discrimination in the villages.
Villagers’ participation and engagement play a crucial part in the promotion of Human Rights, and makes it possible to make the community aware of the importance of living with dignity, and of asserting one’s most fundamental rights
Training and Prevention
To ensure a long-lasting respect of Human Rights and the Rights of the Child, Humanium trains some members of the villages on all aspects of human rights. Then, these members have the capacity to guarantee the respect of everybody dignity in their communities.
Committee for the protection of the Rights of the Child.
Committees for protection of the Rights of the Child are composed of members who have received a training on Children’s Rights. They are functioning autonomously. These committes have the objective to ensure the respect of the children’s rights in the villages, as well as their school enrollment.
Human Rights protection committee
The Human Rights protection committes are composed of members of the villages, who have been trained on Human Rights issues. Its role is to ensure the respect of the human rights in the communities, underlining women’s and girls’ rights.