Computer use courses at the Citizen Center in the village of Sankarapuram

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These computer use courses are given to the villagers of Sankarapuram, in India, aiming to reduce the digital divide, especially between the urban and rural environments. These courses also contribute to improve the general skills of the villagers and to guarantee their right to information and communication.

The computer use courses are a part of the Citizenship and Participative Democracy Program of the humanitarian association Humanium. Since 2009, the Citizen Center in the village of Sankarapuram (developed by Humanium) provides the villagers with computers and basic computers use courses.

During 2009, already 49 people (27 children, 12 women and 10 men) have acquired basic computers knowledge and have started to use office automation software and internet navigation.

The villagers have been particularly receptive and more and more children and adults are taking the courses and developing their computer and office automation skills.