15 March 2019: School strikers are demanding real action now

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This Friday 15 March school strikes are going global. Students in over 70 countries across the globe are going on strike: for the climate, and for our future.


What first started as a one-person protest by Greta Thunberg, a Swedish teenager nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize, has now gathered momentum and spread all across the world. Already over 700 events are planned in over 72 countries!

The moral authority of these striking kids has the potential to transform the climate conversation. They know that their future is on the line, and are acting like it. As adults, we can help: by getting their message to reach far and wide, by offering practical support with logistics, or joining the strikes as allies.

Don’t let the young people do all the work! The climate crisis needs every single one of us to take action and fight for a fossil free future – that’s why together, we’re building a global grassroots climate movement.

The most meaningful way to support the school strikes is to listen, and respond, to their urgent call to action on climate change.


Nearly a hundred thousand people have watched this video in the past two days. School strikers are creating The Momentum, and it’s up to grown-ups to hear and act: Support the #climatestrike



5 ways you can support the school climate strikes 

About 350.org


Written by Jenny García