Humanium Funds a Playground for Palestinian Refugee Children in Dheisheh

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The Karama Organisation is an association offering sporting, creative and play activities to Palestinian refugee children in Dheisheh. The camp, situated in Cisjordanie, south of Bethlehem, is providing shelter for 15,000 people, half of whom are younger than eighteen. The children live under difficult conditions.  Not only is the Israeli occupation an ever-present source of […]

International Children’s Rights day: how children’s living conditions have evolved across the world

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20 November is Children’s Rights Day, first established in 1989 with the unanimous adoption of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child by the United Nations General Assembly. The Convention recognises the civil, economic, social and cultural rights of all children. To date, only the United States is yet to ratify the Convention. […]

Reading made accessible to young refugees in Turkey: a project supported by Humanium

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Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Somalia… so many countries are victims of violent troubles, generating an unprecedented number of refugees. The record-breaking migratory movements are a source of numerous problems: apart from the deadly shipwrecks in the Mediterranean, the international community is under immense pressure to welcome refugees and provide humanitarian aid. In Turkey, a country […]