A precarious journey: unaccompanied minor migrants of Central America

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Between October 2013 and August 2015, 102,327 unaccompanied children from Central America (76,572 from Central America’s Northern Triangle and 25,755 from Mexico) reached the Mexico-United States border (Sarah Pierce, Migration Policy Institute, 2015). This influx of migrants led to the tightening of police and judicial measures in the United States and Mexico, resulting in the […]

ISIS and child soldiers : what future for the Islamic State ?

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ISIS recruiting child soldiers at an alarming rate, what does this mean for the future of ISIS? ISIS is coercing child soldiers at an accelerating rate recent analysis suggests. Disturbingly children appear to be fighting alongside adults marking a new development in the tactics behind child soldiers. The deployment of child soldiers by militant groups […]

Street children in Lebanon

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At The Hague Global Child Labour Conference in 2010, Lebanon made the commitment to eliminate the worst forms of child labour in its country by 2016. According to the ILO Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labour, these comprise; slavery in all its forms, child prostitution and pornography, children involved in illicit activities – […]

Thousands of children are victims of the armed conflict in South Sudan

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Violations of international human rights and humanitarian law are multiplying in South Sudan: massacres of the civilian population and destruction of their property, the recruitment and use of children in the military forces and abuses of all kinds; the country is now the scene of an extremely alarming humanitarian crisis that is especially affecting children. […]

School Segregation of Roma Children: Discrimination in Education in Hungary

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The Roma community is the biggest ethnic minority in Europe. In Central and Eastern Europe, it faces deeply entrenched prejudices, and a particularly pervasive discrimination in everyday life, from housing to social and health services, employment, and education. In the area of education, Roma children are victims of segregation at school. What awaits Hungarian Roma […]