In Cameroon, child labour is a cultural norm

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The global community is demanding an end to an unacceptable practice in Cameroon. It is calling for the eradication of the worst forms of child exploitation, including work in slavery-like conditions, dangerous and exhausting work, and other extreme forms of exploitation. In its campaign against child labour, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has proposed, to […]

Remand Centres in France: Another chance for young offenders

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‘Closed Education Centres’ (CEF) are defined, in Article 33 of 2 February 1945’s ruling on young offenders, as centres where “minors are subject to measures of surveillance and control ensuring an educational and pedagogic programme which is individually adapted and reinforced”.  The United Nations Committee for the Rights of the Child sees these establishments, thought […]

Morocco: children deprived of an education

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In a country where close to 10 million people are illiterate and 1,137,546 children, teenagers and young people have not received a primary or secondary education (UNESCO), education poses a major challenge. In Morocco, there has been some progress in recent years thanks to new reforms in the education system. This progress remains insufficient however, […]

Left-Behind Children in China

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China is experiencing a massive labour migration from rural areas to cities. In 2009, 11% of the population, around 145 million people, moved from the countryside to large cities to find employment (Hu, 2012). But those migrating for work are not always without family ties; many of them are also parents who have had to […]

Palestine: a vibrant youth

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On 20 January 2017, taking advantage of the silence of the United States’ new Donald Trump administration, the Israeli government promised the construction of more than 6,000 homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem annexed territory. This expansion of the settlements will further set back the emergence of a Palestinian State and paralyse hope […]