Access to Education in the United States = Inequality

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It is widely recognized that there are many inequalities in American society on both economic and social levels. In fact, according to a study, the upper 20% of the population controls over 80% of the country’s wealth. This economic gulf is directly reflected in the unequal access to education, which is present from the very […]

Childhood obesity: A challenge for the 21st Century

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Obesity among children is one of the biggest challenges for public health in the twenty-first century. While 66 million school-aged children suffer from hunger, 43 million preschool-aged children are obese. If this trend continues, it’s expected that by 2020, 60 million preschool children, 9% of children in the world, will be obese or overweight. The […]

The Kumari: Nepal’s living goddesses

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Nepal, situated between China and India, is a small country steeped in legends and myths. It was the crossroads for the salt and silk routes, connecting East and West. A beautiful, awe-inspiring land, Nepal is the birthplace of Buddha and home to the Kumari: the living goddesses who are unique to this country. Aged between […]

Children’s Rights and International Protection

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Child protection has existed for a long time, much before the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child. States began implementing such protection through international treaties (declarations, conventions, etc.), through statements directly about children or through indirect means by protecting families and mothers. In 1923, the League of Nations began preparing a declaration on […]

Morocco’s child maids refuse to remain silent

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Morocco’s child maids are now refusing to keep quiet. Recruited by “Samsars” (recruiters) from their villages, mainly in rural environments, they are sent to towns as domestic servants, often for middle-class families, and promised an education and a wage. But every year, child maids die after ill-treatment inflicted by their employers. Most are prevented from […]

Humanium and the Alliance of Lawyers for Human Rights, a lasting partnership: Fighting together for the enforcement of Children’s Rights

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Humanium and the Alliance of Lawyers for Human Rights have forged a partnership to improve the service and quality of Humanium’s Helpline. A common goal: the defense of Children’s Rights Humanium’s mission is to put a stop to children’s rights violations while promoting and defending those rights. While this mission is put into action worldwide […]

Children Help Children

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During the holidays, Humanium received a donation with a story attached that caught our attention. It is a story in which children help other children who haven’t been given a chance to enjoy a trouble-free childhood with basic rights. Calista Garcia is 13 years old. She is a musician, composer, and actress in 8th grade […]