The detention of child migrants in desert camps along the US-Mexico border

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Human Rights, Migration, Poverty, refugees

An increasing number of families with children have been making dangerous journeys for safety in the US, with their applications often processed amidst challenging circumstances. The treatment of children by US border control in encampments has raised significant concerns, with reports indicating violations of their rights. As a result of these adverse conditions, these children […]

Social exclusion and poverty in France: an alarming reality made worse by the immigration law

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, Human Rights, Migration, Poverty, refugees

Although France is considered in Europe to be a rich country that safeguards human rights, it is home to many people, especially children, who live in an alarmingly precarious situation, threatened by social exclusion on a daily basis. European regulations and France’s commitments may purport to guarantee children’s rights and access to essential services, but […]

Swedish services face criticism for refugee family separation

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, Human Rights, Migration, refugees

The Syrian civil war‘s prolonged crisis led to widespread displacement globally, significantly impacting Sweden, which received a substantial number of Syrian refugees. However, concerns arise regarding Sweden‘s adherence to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child due to reported prolonged family separations by social services. This situation challenges swift reunification regulations, raising humanitarian […]

A global perspective on children’s rights in 2023

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Education, Freedom, Health, Peace, Poverty, refugees, violence

Nowadays, millions of children face persistent obstacles in exercising their fundamental rights to healthcare, education, and protection. Floods, earthquakes, and wars, compounded by governmental inaction in implementing crucial policies, have notably exacerbated the already dire circumstances faced by children, intensifying their vulnerability. The devastating events throughout 2023 have led to increased fatalities, widespread displacement of […]

Combating child marriage among the Roma population in Eastern Europe

Posted on Posted in Child Marriage, Children's Rights, Explotation, Human Rights, Poverty, refugees

Despite the global progress achieved through international efforts to stop the practice of child marriages, this is still a reality for many children, and Roma children are no exception. Decades of ethnic marginalization, poverty, deeply rooted stereotypes of sexuality, and women’s and girls’ roles in society, combined with the lack of a systematic approach to […]

Nightmarish children’s situations in Jordan’s Za’atari refugee camp

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The Za’atari refugee camp is the largest refugee center in the Middle East and one of the largest in the world (DW, 2022). According to United Nations statistics, more than half of the 81,000 refugees living in the Za’atari camp are minors (Aljazeera, 2016). Children within the camp are subjected to violations of their fundamental rights and […]

The deportation and forcible transfer of Ukrainian children

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Empowerment, Freedom, Human Rights, Migration, refugees, violence

The current situation in Ukraine has sent the entire international community into a tizzy. Within more than a year, NGOs, UN bodies, and the international press were able to document an increasing number of violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law. One of the allegations that strongly resonates nowadays is the deportation and […]

Shortcoming of the Belgian State towards refugee and migrant children

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Human Rights, Migration, refugees

Around the world, many people flee the dangers and the lack of opportunities in their home countries and arrive in European countries looking for a better and safer life. Refugees and migrants reaching Belgium face numerous challenges, including living in detention centers. Because they are placed in detention centres or reception centres, their children are […]

The Rohingya’s torment: thousands of children endangered in Myanmar and Bangladesh

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, Freedom, Human Rights, Migration, Poverty, refugees, violence

The Rohingyas are among the world’s most persecuted minorities. The long-standing discrimination and escalating brutality in Myanmar have been depriving the Rohingyas of the enjoyment of a humane and safe life, for decades. Those who are extremely vulnerable to such abuses are precisely the children from this minority group. Furthermore, the Rohingyas also face an […]

The situation of Ukrainian refugee children in Poland

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Education, Explotation, Freedom, Human Rights, refugees

Poland has been the country that has welcomed the biggest number of refugees coming from Ukraine since the start of the conflict. Indeed, the response of the Polish government and the Polish people has been very supportive. Out of all the refugees who have arrived in Poland, there is also a great number of children […]