The detrimental effects of fast-fashion on children’s rights

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Environment, Explotation, Labour, Poverty

At first glance, one might struggle to see the link between fast-fashion and children’s rights. However, the fashion industry is not ‘just’ about clothes. On the one hand, it heavily relies on child labor, violating children’s right to education, freedom and protection. On the other, it bears the human, health and social cost of being […]

Protecting children’s rights in global supply chains

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“From pesticide poisoning in Brazil to child exploitation in Tanzania’s gold mines, children’s rights are violated at the bottom of global supply chains” Maike Röttger, National Director of Plan International Germany – Maike Röttger, National Director of Plan International While globalization has brought new opportunities and benefits to economies and people around the globe, it […]

Global rise in child labor – a continuing threat to children’s rights

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The pandemic has had awful economical and health consequences throughout the world. But for those living in lower-income countries, the rise of child labor has become a pertinent issue. Child labor is rampant, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Children’s Fund (UNICEF) tell us. In a June 2021 report, ILO and UNICEF published […]

The impact of Covid-19 on child labour in cobalt mines in the DRC

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, Freedom, Health, Labour

Last year, after schools and businesses closed during the lockdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, remote working and learning via video-conferencing were increasingly relied on, even becoming the main means of communication. As a result there was a 26% hike in sales of electronic devices such as smartphones, computers and tablets. The health crisis was […]

The Year to End Child Labour

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The International Labour Organization (ILO) has marked 2021 as the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, with the aim of encouraging legislative and policy action that would eradicate the scourge of child labour worldwide. However, unless appropriate mechanisms are designed to mitigate the decline in child labour wages, a ban on child labour […]

“Kidfluencers” and Social Media: The Evolution of Child Exploitation in the Digital Age

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Influencer marketing is one of the fastest-growing segments of the corporate industry; the attention of the masses is just one easy, accessible click away (60 Minutes Australia, 2020). Personal media sources such as home videos have quickly become a lucrative market, which raises stern questions about the role of parents in safeguarding their children’s rights […]

Historic Commitment to End Worst Forms of Child Labor

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Discover India, Explotation, Freedom, Labour

At the beginning of August 2020, all member countries (187) of the International Labor Organization (ILO) ratified ILO Convention No. 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labor, an event which international organizations such as Human Rights Watch (here HRW) welcomed as an “important milestone”.[1] (Wurth, 2020) In an unprecedented move, all member countries universally […]

Abuse of Youth Athletes in Preparation for the Olympics Games in Japan

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, Freedom, Health, Labour, violence

In September 1990, Japan signed the United Convention on the Rights of the Child. Four years later, in April 1994, Japan ratified the Treaty, a document whose Article 32 outlines the rights of children to work without exploitation: “States Parties recognize the right of the child to be protected from economic exploitation and from performing […]

Where Do Children’s Rights Stand in the Business World?

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Children are participants in the business world. However, they are also victims of this environment in many ways. Our predominantly capitalist societies make businesses omnipresent in children’s lives. Due to the exploitation of children, the endangerment of their development or the alteration, or even the destruction of their environment, companies must become key players in […]