Sex tourism in Morocco: a thriving industry against children’s rights

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, Human Rights, Poverty, violence

Morocco is increasingly becoming a ‘paradise’ for paedophiles coming from all around the world. Given its easy accessibility to Europe, the large number of impoverished children and the taboo nature of this issue, Morocco is the perfect destination for sex tourism and child sexual exploitation. Moreover, the weak legal and law enforcement structures in implementing […]

Bacha Bazi – severe child abuse disguised as an Afghani custom

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, Human Rights, violence

Bacha Bazi is a custom that has been around Afghan tradition for centuries. However, over time, due to poverty and innumerable tragedies that have infiltrated the society of the region, this tradition got distorted to an extent that is now directly violating human and children´s rights. This practice became excessive once the US Special Forces […]

Humanium raises its voice to advocate for the eradication of child labor and trafficking of persons

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, Labour

Humanium is committed to fighting against child labor and child trafficking and is actively involved in several multi-level projects aimed at eliminating these practices and ensuring full respect for children’s rights. Humanium is indeed engaged in deep cooperation with civil society to build strong partnerships to implement children’s rights and we strive to propose recommendations […]

Up in smoke: the United States of America’s vaping epidemic threatens adolescent futures

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Environment, Health

Following rapid growth, e-cigarettes have become the most used tobacco product among youth populations in the United States of America (USA) (Cullen, 2019). Their modern packaging – often shaped like USB flash drives – and multiplicity of artificial flavours appeal to younger demographics (Cullen, 2019). Beyond the glitz and glamour, e-cigarettes have been thrust to […]

Forced migration of Palestinian children

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, Freedom, Human Rights, Migration, Poverty, refugees, violence

“Every Palestinian child has the right to an environment in which they can reach their innate potential.” – UNICEF, 2019 Whilst most of the Palestinian children were forced to migrate to other countries due to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict that started in 1947, those who stayed are faced with a myriad of hardships. Among 2 million […]

Ethnic cleansing and grave violations of children’s rights in Ethiopia’s Western Tigray region

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Health, Human Rights, Poverty, violence

Hundreds of thousands of Tigrayans have been silently displaced, abused and scrutinized in atrocious actions played by the Amhara region and the Ethiopian Federal troops where children, women and men not only lost their homes and loved ones but also their dignity and human rights. This ethnic war has caused children in Western Tigray to […]

Safeguarding elite child athletes: a multidimensional challenge

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At the landmark 2020 International Labour Organisation (ILO) Dialogue Forum on Decent Work in the World of Sport, member states emphasised the need for “special protection” for young athletes, given the intensity of their working environments. With limited consent, young athletes are frequently required to push themselves through extreme physical training, risking serious or chronic […]

How can children benefit from the US Child Tax Credit in the future?

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Poverty

More than 2 million children in the United States benefit from the Child Tax Credit that was established in 1997, within the Taxpayer Relief Act. The states of California, Colorado, Idaho, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Mexico, New York, and Oklahoma, alongside the federal government, offer financial credits that help families in need. (Reinicke C, 2021) […]