Social exclusion and poverty in France: an alarming reality made worse by the immigration law

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Although France is considered in Europe to be a rich country that safeguards human rights, it is home to many people, especially children, who live in an alarmingly precarious situation, threatened by social exclusion on a daily basis. European regulations and France’s commitments may purport to guarantee children’s rights and access to essential services, but […]

Realities of the entertainment industry in the USA: child performers and their right to education

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While child labor laws typically prohibit minors from working, the United States carves out exceptions for child performers, reflecting the nation’s fascination with show business. In the glitzy world of American entertainment, child performers, that is,  children under 18 years of age who perform work or supply services for monetary compensation in the entertainment industry, […]

The power of music on children’s well-being

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Music is humanity’s universal language which can help people connect, communicate, express, learn and grow. Music can also be a therapeutic tool to develop children’s physical, emotional and social well-being. By supporting them in expressing their feelings and developing their cognitive functions, music can help children feel included and boost their self-esteem. How music affects […]

Examining the rights of Ethiopian Jewish immigrant children in Israel

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The persistent systemic discrimination faced by Ethiopian Jews in Israel has left Ethiopian immigrants in a distressing state as they persist in their struggle for equal rights. This community confronts significant challenges, such as disproportionately high rates of incarceration, discriminatory incidents within the education system, and elevated poverty rates that impact the mental well-being of […]

Increasing opioid misuse in Canadian youth

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The escalation of prescription opioid utilization in Canada since the 1980s has been profound, propelling the nation to become the world’s second-largest consumer of these medications. Alarming findings from a Canadian survey reveal that a significant portion of recent opioid users, including adolescents have engaged in illicit drug practices, obtained and consumed these substances without […]

Pink for girls, blue for boys: why toys for children should be free from stereotypes

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Gender stereotypes are present in everyday life, including in the toys for children. They impose a significant impact on children’s personal growth and development, as they can reinforce social expectations regarding gender roles and influence their future choices. Opting for gender-neutral toys which allow children to discover their interests and acquire new skills is the […]

Rising youth homelessness: England’s troubling trend

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The rising trend of youth homelessness in England is driven by a complex interplay of factors. The breakdown of family relationships often triggered by conflicts, abuse, or neglect, coupled with mental health challenges and financial hardships, appears as the leading causes. Presently, approximately 271,000 individuals, including 123,000 children, are documented as homeless in England. Homeless […]

Swedish services face criticism for refugee family separation

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The Syrian civil war‘s prolonged crisis led to widespread displacement globally, significantly impacting Sweden, which received a substantial number of Syrian refugees. However, concerns arise regarding Sweden‘s adherence to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child due to reported prolonged family separations by social services. This situation challenges swift reunification regulations, raising humanitarian […]

A global perspective on children’s rights in 2023

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Education, Freedom, Health, Peace, Poverty, refugees, violence

Nowadays, millions of children face persistent obstacles in exercising their fundamental rights to healthcare, education, and protection. Floods, earthquakes, and wars, compounded by governmental inaction in implementing crucial policies, have notably exacerbated the already dire circumstances faced by children, intensifying their vulnerability. The devastating events throughout 2023 have led to increased fatalities, widespread displacement of […]

Child poverty realities: insights from four European nations

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According to a recent report, one child out of four is at risk of child poverty and social exclusion in Europe. The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, followed by and coupled with the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, have exposed and exacerbated inequalities, increasing the number of children at risk. In this context, children from four European countries […]