Eliminating Sexual Violence and Safeguarding the Rights of the Most Vulnerable

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Background On June 19, 2008 resolution 1820 (2008) was adopted by the UN security council. The resolution condemned sexual violence as a tactic of war and an impediment to peace building. In efforts to commemorate this resolution, the UN general assembly declared, June 19 of each year the international day for the elimination of sexual […]

Kill because of Differences or Create because of Community?

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The World Day of Cultural Diversity, for Dialogue and Development. The World Day of Cultural Diversity, for Dialogue and Development, is an annual UNESCO action day that takes place on the 21st May.   Why is Celebrating Cultural Diversity Important? Nowadays, living in a world that moves so fast and alongside people from every corner […]

Reflections from Rwanda: Everything starts with a dream…

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by Vicdan Merter, Life Coach from Istanbul, Turkey.   My Rwanda journey started with a dream in 2015, where Arndt Soret, CEO of Humanium, I and couple of other friends gathered around a common stake: Creating homes for children! That was my first time I have created the possibility of going to Rwanda with Humanium’s […]

Children Human Rights Defenders: a need for empowerment and protection of our children

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Youth mobilisation has witnessed an important growth over the past decade, with children standing up for their rights and the rights of others. Examples are flourishing worldwide, with the latest and largest instance being their global mobilisation for climate awareness, standing up for their right to life, health, food, water and else. These children are […]

Rwanda today: making the No.1 cruelty in humanity for survivors of the 1995 genocide more bearable

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‘If you would know me and you really know yourself you would not have killed me’ it says at the entrance of the genocide museum in Kigali. Agreed, and that is why Humanium is present here to conduct our workshops on children’s rights twice per year. As mental health professionals we meet teachers, parents, children, […]

Brexit: A challenge to the safeguarding of Children’s Rights in the UK

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A concerning and uncertain outcome to Brexit On the 23rd of June 2016, 51.9% of the British population decided that the United Kingdom should leave the European Union. Over the past three years, ever-lasting debates and discussions between the European and British Parliaments have brought a cloud of uncertainty, doubt and concern over the procedure, […]

Children with disabilities

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The international community has made progress in grasping the experience of people with disabilities and safeguarding their rights. This article looks at the situation of children with disabilities in Latin America and Caribbean (UNICEF, 2013).   Understanding the context Children with disabilities are one of the most marginalized and excluded groups in society. Facing daily […]