Ending Orphanage Tourism in Kenya

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Orphanages have often been perceived as a safe haven for children that, due to several reasons such as poverty, war or natural disasters, their parents are unable to provide for them. However, such institutions on many occasions in fact exploit children to profit their organisations and the long-term effect that can have on children, specifically […]

Children in the Shadow of the Swedish Migration Agency

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Education, Human Rights, refugees

The following is based on personal experiences while working with a group of refugee children at a primary school in Northern Sweden between 2016 and 2018. The events described here are not implied to represent a national trend in Sweden. The characters’ names and nationalities have been altered to protect their identities. Migrationsverket – a […]

Humanium at Rwanda’s UN Child Rights Review

Posted on Posted in Association's life, Children's Rights, Education, Human Rights, Life at Humanium

Humanium attended the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child’s (CRC) 84th session this January 2020, where we sat in on the review of the state of Rwanda. Humanium’s co-founder and CEO Arndt Soret was back in Rwanda again just a few months ago in November 2019 delivering Humanium’s Child Rights Workshops to […]

The Taboo of Humanitarian Inequalities: what can be learnt from the 2010s

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Taking an introspective look at humanitarian action’s pitfalls throughout the 2010s is key for the constant betterment and no-repeat of past mistakes that must, without question, unfold within the sector in the new decade. Our turning into the new year provides an invaluable opportunity to also turn the page, and to honestly attest to humanitarianism’s […]

2019 – A Year in Children’s Rights

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We owe our children – the most vulnerable citizens in any society – a life free from violence and fear.  — Nelson Mandela Look into any dictionary and you will probably find the same definition of what children’s rights are (should be): the rights of children to have access to health, education, family life and […]

Indigenous peoples’ rights: from prosperity to privilege

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Indigenous peoples is a term full of controversy. According to the prestigious Merriam-Webster dictionary indigenous means ‘innate’, ‘inborn’, ‘belonging to a locality’. Its synonyms include ‘aboriginal’ and ‘native’. It’s an adjective that has been exploited for its ambiguity throughout history. Just recall the chicken or the egg dilemma. Which (or who) came first? Who are the real locals, the real natives? After […]