Humanium Signs Joint-Statement to the UN on COVID-19 Response

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Humanium is proud to have joined forces with 84 other NGOs and organisations to release a statement calling on the United Nations (UN) to ensure that state responses to COVID-19 align with international human rights obligations, including those towards children. The joint-statement advocates for the respect of rights in national responses to pandemic and reminds […]

What Respect Is There for Children’s Rights concerning Surrogacy?

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Tolerated in certain countries (including Portugal and Belgium), prohibited in others (such as France), surrogacy has entered public debate in recent years, as its modern practices pose ethical questions regarding children’s rights, more specifically with respect to the child’s best interest. So, to better understand the current questions around this issue, Humanium is here to […]

Issue of Adaptability Concerning Children with Disabilities

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In 1989, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child assured equal rights of children with disabilities. Calling on state parties to recognize this right, the UNCRC focused on the “conditions which ensure dignity, promote self-reliance and facilitate the child’s active participation in the community.” Article 23 highlights the following: “States Parties recognize […]

Honor Killings: Is There an End in Sight?

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This article is a follow-up to “Femicide from a Global Perspective” and takes a deeper look into one of the gravest human rights violations committed against girls and women today: honor killings. This semantically-charged term implies that there is an excuse or explanation for an act of violence—therein lie the challenges in defining honor killings. […]

Protecting the LGBTQ+ Youth in Vietnam

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Following Human Rights Watch’s (HRW) recent report “‘My Teacher Said I Had a Disease’: Barriers to the Right to Education for LGBT Youth in Vietnam”, Humanium calls on the government of Vietnam to protect the rights of LGBTQ+ children and adults. Published on February 12, 2020, the document reports on the conditions which LGBTQ+ youth […]

Article 31: The necessity of play in children’s lives

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The Wellcome Collection in London recently held an exhibition titled “Play Well”. In coordination with Michael Rosen’s Book of Play, the exhibition pushed its audience to consider the importance of play for children’s health.  The visitors were able to learn about German pedagogue Friedrich Fröbel’s kindergarten movement which put play at its center, the Reggio […]