Amazon Rainforest and Rights under Threat

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Amidst the global climate emergency, the Amazon rainforest is under imminent and intensifying threat. Unprecedented destruction of the rainforest since Jair Bolsonaro’s presidency is set to escalate even further this year, and with it the erosion of countless livelihoods and rights around the world. The global crisis of the Coronavirus pandemic has seen the underfunded […]

Social Distancing and Hand-Washing: A fantasy in a refugee camp?

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The impact of coronavirus on the living conditions of refugee children What’s happening – in numbers? Of the 71 million refugees across the world, more than 80% live in developing areas without basic health services, begging the question of how to keep refugees safe during a global pandemic (Wehrli, 2020). Indeed, these vulnerable groups were, […]

Domestic Violence and its Consequences on Children

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With the lockdown of millions of families, many children found themselves stuck at home with violent parents without the opportunity to ask for help. The isolation and the stressful atmosphere of the pandemic sometimes acted as a catalyser and some parents who usually were non-violent, had abusive behaviours. Whether it is psychological or physical violence, […]

Indonesian Children at Risk of Air Pollution

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Clean air is an environmental right and every child has the right to enjoy a safe, healthy and sustainable environment. Therefore, every country must protect the environmental rights of its citizens, and Indonesia is one of the countries that has formally accepted the environmental rights norms. However, since Indonesia, particularly Jakarta, records some of the […]

Child Labor in India

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Discover India, Explotation, Freedom, Human Rights, Poverty

What is the first thing you think about when someone mentions India? The beauty of Indian culture, food, history, environment? Or do you perhaps think of air pollution, overpopulation and poverty faced by many Indians? India is definitely a place that produces mixed images for a large number of people. While there are, without any […]

Guidance: How to bring a case before the Committee on the Rights of the Child

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Empowerment, Human Rights

Whatever problems your child may face, they have rights and those rights are protected at the international level by the Committee on the Rights of the Child. The Committee on the Rights of the Child is a body of experts tasked with overseeing the implementation of the international Convention on the Rights of the Child […]

Humanium Hosts Professional Training on Child Rights Approaches

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Education, Empowerment, Life at Humanium

Humanium has delivered its first ever introductory e-training workshop to child rights professionals. The workshop aimed to make connections in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, and collaborate by skill-sharing for the improvement of individual, and organisational, humanitarian child rights activities. The Concept of Child Rights Training for Professionals Humanium was thrilled to provide introductory […]