Is 2020 a Lost Academic Year? The Impact of COVID-19 on Education in Eastern Africa: A Case Study of Kenya

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A study conducted in nine African countries (including Kenya) by Human Rights Watch (HRW) between April and August 2020 revealed that COVID-19 is exacerbating previous inequalities by excluding vulnerable children from receiving quality education (Human Rights Watch, 2020). As of November 11, 2020, Kenya had reported 64, 588 COVID-19 cases, with 1,154 deaths (John Hopkins […]

Humanium Discusses the Situation of Children in Times of Armed Conflict with Virginia Gamba

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On 13 October 2020, Humanium attended a virtual meeting with Virginia Gamba; UN Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict (UN SRSG/CAAC). As a partner of Child Rights Connect and a member of a working group on the rights of children in armed conflict, Humanium had the opportunity to participate in the event with other […]

Child Marriage in the Sub-Saharan Africa: the Case of Niger

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Child marriage is a serious violation of every child’s right to reach their independence and full potential. Approximately 650 million young girls are married before their 18th birthday (UNICEF, 2018). Nowadays, even though this practice has decreased in many countries, it is declining at a very modest rate in the sub-Saharan Africa, where child marriage […]

Humanium’s Legal Helpline – a Helping Hand to End Child Rights Violation

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Humanium is an international non-profit organization which was founded on November 20, 2008 with the objective to improve the well-being of children worldwide and to put an end to the violations many children face. One of the multifaceted services provided by Humanium is its legal Helpline which offers legal assistance precisely to the victims of […]

United Nations’ Approval of the Revolutionary Resolution on Realizing Children’s Rights Through a Healthy Environment

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On October 7, 2020, the United Nations approved the Resolution on Realizing Children’s Rights Through a Healthy Environment. Our partner, Children’s Environmental Rights Initiative (CERI), has published an insightful article about this historical event. This Resolution is indeed a landmark – it represents a starting point for the implementation of children’s environmental rights and a […]

Humanium Delivers Second Child Rights Coaching Workshop

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Education, Empowerment, Human Rights, Life at Humanium

On 25 September 2020, Humanium delivered the second in its series of child rights coaching e-workshops to a group of child rights professionals. The interactive 90-minute-long session saw the union of rights professionals from across the world. “Our Child Rights Coaching was born as an idea to give a taste of the tools Humanium uses […]

Slovenian Ambassador Speaks out on Environmental Rights

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Sabina Stadler Repnik, Ambassador of Slovenia and Permanent Representative of Slovenia to the United Nations Office and Other International Organisations in Geneva, has authored an insightful article on the importance of environmental rights for the future of our planet. Originally published by Humanium’s partner organisation, the Children’s Environmental Rights Initiative (CERI), the Ambassador’s article highlights […]

Humanium Joins Global Call for Right to a Healthy Environment

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Almost 1000 organisations have called on the nations of the world to recognise the international human right to a healthy environment for all. Humanium has participated in the extraordinary civil society call which we are proud to publish below. In September 2020, Humanium joined forces with almost 1000 civil society organisations to endorse a Joint […]

The Day of the African Child 2020: Child-Friendly Justice in Africa

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Education, Empowerment, Freedom

The Day of the African Child (henceforth referred to as DAC) is celebrated every year on June 16th by Member States of the African Union (AU). The main purpose is to raise awareness on children’s rights by addressing the numerous challenges facing children across the continent. Due to Covid-19, the priority was talking about children […]