“Kidfluencers” and Social Media: The Evolution of Child Exploitation in the Digital Age

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Influencer marketing is one of the fastest-growing segments of the corporate industry; the attention of the masses is just one easy, accessible click away (60 Minutes Australia, 2020). Personal media sources such as home videos have quickly become a lucrative market, which raises stern questions about the role of parents in safeguarding their children’s rights […]

Children in Border and Asylum Procedures: “The Best Interest of the Child” Principle in Migration

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Freedom, Health, Migration, refugees

Children in the displacement cycle experience the significant issues of invisibility in asylum procedures and the adult-focus of the migratory framework. In his research on “The Child in International Refugee Law”, Jason Pobjoy applies a three-folded principle of “the best interest of the child” to the context of migration – as an independent source of […]

Physical and Virtual Violence (‘Bullying’) in Schools: A Worldwide Problem to Address

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Bullying is a long-lasting and, sadly, widespread problem. It is characterized by violent behaviors, both physically and mentally, towards subjects considered easy targets. Commonly the term ‘bullying’ is used to talk about the phenomenon in the school environment, when the average age is adolescence. With the emergence of social networks and, more generally, the increased […]

Children in Border and Asylum Procedures: Invisibility and Adult-Focus

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Freedom, Human Rights, Migration, refugees, violence

Children in border and asylum procedure face two significant issues (Pobjoy, 2017). On one hand, a child is still considered invisible in migration procedures, and on the other, an adult-focused legal framework is applied to children in these procedures. These shortcomings place migrant children not only at risk of rejection and deportation without having their […]

Children’s Rights and Digital Technologies: Children’s Privacy in the Age of Social Media – The Perils of “Sharenting”

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In today’s globalized world, children often make their Internet debut before they are even born, usually appearing on their parents’ social media platforms as hazy ultrasound images (LaFrance, 2016). Though these children may become aware of their digital footprint and online identity at an early age, they remain powerless in asserting their rights, with parents […]

Post-Election Crisis in Guinea: The Child Victims of Politics

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Freedom, Human Rights, Peace, violence

October 18, 2020, marks the day of the Guinean elections. A day of upheaval and instability in a country already plagued by systemic insecurity linked to politics and, more specifically, to the candidacy of the current President of Guinea. Guinea today is marred by inter-ethnic tensions and the use of firearms against civilians.  In the […]

Protective Custody of Unaccompanied Child Migrants in Greece: A Long-Standing Practice is Coming to an End

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, Freedom, Migration

As announced on 18 November 2020 by Notis Mitarachi, Greek Migration and Asylum Minister, Greece is abolishing the long-standing scheme of protective custody of unaccompanied child migrants. This practice is not only endangering the physical and mental well-being of children, but it also violates international, European and Greek domestic law in relation to the rights […]

What Has 2020 Meant for Children’s Rights?

Posted on Posted in Association's life, Children's Rights, Discover India, Education, Empowerment, Environment, Health, Life at Humanium

At the beginning of 2020, no one could have imagined how challenging and unprecedented the year would become in numerous aspects of our daily lives, children’s rights included. One thing is certain – the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had a major, unfavorable impact on the lives of many children and families. As the world was […]

Humanium Submits a Proposal to the United Nations for the General Comment on Children’s Rights in Relation to the Digital Environment

Posted on Posted in Association's life, Children's Rights, Life at Humanium

We are proud to announce that on 15 November 2020, for the first time, Humanium submitted a proposal for a General Comment to the UN, in response to the UN’s call for NGO participation in drafting the General Comment on Children’s Rights in Relation to the Digital Environment. “Children in diverse contexts see digital technology […]

The Impact of COVID-19 on Children’s Access to Food in the United Kingdom

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Every child has the right to enjoy an adequate standard of living, food and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Child food insecurity is a complex issue that has affected the most vulnerable children and families in the United Kingdom (UK) and this problem has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Household food insecurities present a […]