Exploitation of children in sport : a widespread and unchecked problem

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, violence

Sport is an essential part of a child’s physical and mental development and growth. Unfortunately, far too often, children are maltreated and abused in a sporting environment, and this continues to go unchecked (Human Rights Watch, 2020; OHCHR, n.d.). This is for many reasons, such as the inability to recognize abusive relationships, and child athletes […]

Children in armed conflict – the Ukraine crisis

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Freedom, Human Rights, Peace, refugees, violence

In light of the recent events in Ukraine, it is important to emphasise maintaining peace and protection for all children in Ukraine. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine poses an immediate and growing threat to the lives and well-being of the country’s 7.5 million children (UNICEF, 2022). Children have been killed, wounded, uprooted and severely distressed […]

The importance of children’s representation in literature and media

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Children’s representation is a key issue for child development and growth, and it has taken different forms over time. Children’s literature has played an important role in the discovery of the external and inner world of children, but the lack of representation of some ethnical groups has also represented a big challenge which is still […]

A shameful chapter of Irish history: mother and baby homes

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, Human Rights, violence

A recent flagship report from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY), a department of the Government of Ireland, has revealed that many religious institutions in Ireland have been enabling widespread abuse of unwed mothers and their children – often leading to death (Specia, 2021). Over the past twenty years, the country’s […]

The influence of period poverty on the rights of girls and women around the world

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Education, Empowerment, Health

Despite living in a world where there is a constant desire and drive to identify and understand everything, something as basic and inherent as menstruation is still a topic shrouded with misinformation, taboo, and shame. While menstruation is a way of life for millions of girls and women around the world, there are still an […]

Ecocide and its influence on children’s rights

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“The climate crisis is a child rights crisis.” – UNICEF, 2021 According to the Children’s Climate Risk Index (CCRI), nearly half of the world’s children ‘are at “extremely high risk” of the impacts of climate change.… And it is happening today.’ (UNICEF, 2021, p. 4). ‘Ecocide’ as a concept, and the demands for it to […]

The plight of child migrants at the Poland-Belarus border

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, Migration, Poverty, refugees, violence

In August 2021, Belarus orchestrated the transportation of thousands of migrants to the threshold of the European Union, triggering a migration crisis of unprecedented proportions. Hundreds of child migrants were stranded at the Polish border in appalling circumstances and facing extreme weather conditions. What caused the crisis? An unprecedented ‘attack against migration’  The Belarusian response […]

The horrors of Canada’s history: the unmarked indigenous graves

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Education, Explotation, Health, Indigenous people, violence

In May 2021, Canada was rocked by the discovery of an unmarked gravesite designated for over 200 indigenous children (Cecco, Michael & Voce, 2021). The burial ground, located on the premises of a former school in British Columbia, is testimony to the country’s historic segregation of indigenous children from mainstream society and the flagrant abuse […]

Children’s rights: challenges and achievements in 2021

Posted on Posted in Association's life, Child Marriage, Children's Rights, Education, Empowerment, Environment, Explotation, Health, Human Rights, LGBTQ+ Rights, Life at Humanium, refugees, violence

The year we are slowly leaving behind has been another challenging year for children’s rights worldwide. Children around the world have been faced with many barriers hindering their opportunities to a fulfilled life, such as migration, exploitation, poverty, violence, discrimination, etc. The COVID-19 pandemic which struck a year before has continued to take its toll […]

Child brides in Zimbabwe: a call for education

Posted on Posted in Child Marriage, Children's Rights, Education, Empowerment, Human Rights

Despite the development of international and national children’s rights and the intensive work of civil society, Zimbabwe is still home to numerous child marriages, threatening the development and well-being of young girls. When a State is unable or unwilling to combat harmful cultural practices, education is the only option. A public case to shed light […]