Roma children’s discrimination in education

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Education, Human Rights, Indigenous people

Roma children are discriminated against twice because of their affiliation to two marginalised groups: children and Roma. As members of the Roma community, they are subject to systematic discriminatory practices and policies across Europe, which affect them by the simple reason of their ethnic group. As children, their voices and needs are overlooked, sometimes in […]

How early marriage is negatively impacting maternal health during teenage pregnancies worldwide

Posted on Posted in Child Marriage, Children's Rights, Explotation, Health

In the world, as we know it, marriage stands for a symbiosis of support and understanding. However, the sad reality is that not everyone gets the same chance to make it right. Whilst it is true that forced child marriage practice has decreased over time, we still have a long way to go.  Unfortunate instances […]

The importance of children’s right to education in armed conflicts

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Education, Explotation, refugees, violence

In armed conflicts, education is frequently not considered to be as important as other rights and it is often overlooked. Nevertheless, education in these situations is vital for every child since it provides them with much more than the right to learn. It is of major importance for their psychological and physical well-being. Likewise, education […]

Recruitment of minors in football: the regulation of young players

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, Freedom

The rapid commercialization of football (or soccer) and its growth into a lucrative financial market are driving high-level actors in the sport towards the exploitation of children for profit. The incentives are clear; the European football market alone is worth a staggering £25 billion, and its main assets are young athletes in vulnerable positions (Deloitte, […]

Russia suppresses an organization defending LGBTQIA+ rights across Russia

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Empowerment, Freedom, Human Rights, LGBTQ+ Rights

On February 9, 2022, Russia’s Justice Ministry filed a lawsuit to liquidate the Charitable Foundation Sphere (CF Sphere), an important organization that defends the rights of LGBTQI+ peoples in Russia. (Lockshina 2022) The Saint Petersburg Kuibishevsky court “sidelined the lawsuit and requested the Ministry of Justice clarify its claims.” (Article19 2022)  Although their initial attempt […]

Diversity of bodies – intersex children’s rights to self-determine their own bodies

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Empowerment, Health, Human Rights, LGBTQ+ Rights

“Medicine and society need to see intersex individuals as natural. I occur in nature and I demand to make my own decisions, the same as any other person. And I demand it for any individual who is born intersex.” – Karen A. Walsh (Davis, 2016) The term “intersex” is an umbrella term that describes bodily […]

How child friendly cities are contributing to children’s development and wellbeing

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Child friendly urban planning is an emerging field. It advocates a coherent and systematic approach to planning and designing cities that realizes children’s rights and improves children’s development and well-being (Cities Alive, 2017). The concept of child friendly cities offers the chance to design a city tailored-made for all the citizens which is equal and […]

Humanium advocates to prevent violence against children with the Children and Violence Working Group 

Posted on Posted in Association's life, Children's Rights, Explotation, Life at Humanium, violence

On March 17, 2022, Humanium attended a pivotal side event to the 49th Human Rights Council session titled “Investing in Integrated Services to Prevent and Respond to Violence against Children”, organized by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children and the Child Rights Connect Working Group on Children and Violence.  An event to […]

Humanium submits proposals to the United Nations to end the trafficking of children in the agricultural sector

Posted on Posted in Association's life, Children's Rights, Environment, Explotation, Labour, Life at Humanium

On January 31, 2022, Humanium proudly submitted recommendations to the Special Rapporteur on the trafficking of persons, especially women and children, which are to be included in his Report and presented during the 50th session of the Human Rights Council. This proposal document is of utmost importance as it seeks to end human trafficking in […]