
Protecting the rights of donor-conceived children in Canada’s gamete donation practices

With the increased use of assisted human reproduction, anonymous gamete donation presents a growing concern for donor-conceived children. Historically, donor-conceived children have been left with minimal protection for their physical and mental wellbeing. It is crucial to ensure access to verifiable information such as donor medical history and ongoing relevant health information to fulfill the […]

The struggling life in orphanages for children of convicted parents in China

In China, a significant number of parents are incarcerated due to criminal activities, leaving their children marginalized within communities, often without adequate care. This absence of parental responsibility oversight by the government leaves these children vulnerable. However, for these children to experience positive change, it is crucial to provide support and facilitate communication with their […]

Student kidnapping frightens Nigeria again

As of early March 2024, Nigeria is living in a spiralling security crisis: over 380 children have been kidnapped by Islamist insurgents like Boko Haram in the country’s northeast and other criminal groups in the northwest. Thanks to the negotiations between the government and the gunmen, 137 students have been released, but many more are […]

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Our action in the field

In Rwanda, we help local leaders to develop an intuitive emotional understanding of children’s rights

What we do

Independent observatory

We constantly monitor the situation of children and report violation cases in the world, with the ultimate aim of ensuring total transparency.

Online child rights education

We promote the emergence and development of an online community by using digital communication technologies and tools to educate adults and children in a simple and understandable way.

Legal advice & Advocacy

We provide legal advice on children’s rights, working with a global network of lawyers. We advocate internationally for the improvement and fulfillment of child rights, with a focus on the recognition and respect of children’s environmental rights.

Strengthening the actors of change

We implement the rights of the child at a local level using a unique interdisciplinary combination of legal tools and psychosocial techniques.

Child welfare

We work with local NGOs to support and implement projects for the protection of children, their development, survival and education.

Our impact

Number of people reached
Processed applications for legal aid
Child welfare beneficiairies
Active volunteers every month

Children’s rights in the world

We monitor the evolution of children’s rights and make them accessible and understandable to as many people as possible.

World Index Map

The situation in individual countries


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