Launch of the Children’s Rights Portal

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Created by Humanium, the Children’s Rights Portal aims to bring Internet users of all ages,  all the information they may need in the field of Children’s Rights.

One website :

November 20th : Official launch of the Portal

The Portal will be officially launched on 20 November 2010, a symbolic date representing the anniversary of the creation of Humanium in 2008 in Geneva, the anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959 and of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, and also the International Children’s Rights Day.

> See the Press Release

What is the Children’s Rights Portal ?

A space of information and understanding

The Portal is an informational tool destined for a wide audience. The theme of children’s rights is approached as widely as possible through presentations and explanations of fundamental rights, standards and protection mechanisms, etc. All those interested, including institutions and organizations, will find reliable and quality information.

In addition, the Portal provides teachers, groups leaders and parents with a range of educational tools specifically tailored for children’s understanding to encourage them to learn about their rights. Furthermore, a selection of pertinent resources will allow for pupils and students, amongst others, to broaden and deepen their research in the field.

A tool for advocacy and action

The Portal also aims to inform and increase awareness among as many people as possible about the cause of children across the world, and more specifically in India, where Humanium plays an active role.

Thanks to contextualization of fundamental children’s rights, the Portal informs people about the existence of violations of these rights. In fact, a brief look at the global situation of different fundamental children’s rights will increase awareness of the urgency and the gravity of the problems from which children are suffering.

Through Humanium, the Portal also proposes ways to act in order to realize children’s rights.

A service for help, advice and orientation

In order to help children defend their rights, the Portal selects useful and especially essential addresses in respect to children’s rights. Thus, children who are facing problems or who are victims of the violation of their rights will be able to find useful links that will direct them towards the appropriate services.

The Children’s Rights Portal is therefore a space of information, awareness, action, and orientation open to all children, parents, and all those sensitive to children’s causes.

Discover the Portal :