Installation of a biogas system

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As part of its environmental program, the association Humanium supports sustainable development projects such as that promoting the use of biogas. This alternative to burning wood allows for better environmental protection and the production of an organic fertilizer that can be used to enrich soils.

In India, including in the village of Sankarapuram, homes use mostly wood fires, particularly for cooking. The smoke produced has adverse effects on the lungs and eyes of the inhabitants; when certain villagers have access to electricity, it is sporadic and unreliable.

As an answer to these problems, Humanium favours a specific alternative method: the use of biogas. This offers a comprehensive approach, combining environmental conservation with health protection. On the one hand, the community has access to a resource that reduces the effects of environmental and human pollution, and on the other hand, a valuable rich and organic fertilizer is produced.

A biogas plant makes use of animal manure and transforms it into both energy and organic fertilizer. This is due to a fermentation process that produces methane and a rich mud. The system offers a multitude of uses: fuel for cooking, a natural fertilizer for farmers, and an organic energy for powering engines.

Humanium’s environmental program looks to develop a power source that is not only autonomous, but also clean for the environment and beneficial for the health of the community.