Not everyone profits from India’s economic development…

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Since the beginning of the 1990s, India has been experiencing spectacular economic growth. Within ten years, it has developed into a global economic power. However, social inequalities still exist and the rift is deepening…

India was ranked 134th out of 177 countries included in the Human Development Index in 2005. The nation was classified under the ‘medium human development’ category, meaning that a large proportion of the population still lives in serious poverty.

Children are the hardest hit by this poverty : peach year over 2 million children under 5 years old die from malnutrition and a lack of basic care.

In the villages where Humanium is active,the humanitarian organization sets up medical camps, during which qualified medical personnel provide basic health care to the villagers.

The focus is on health care given to children, who are the most susceptible to illnesses and problems related to poor nutrition. Therefore nutrition programs are established in order to guarantee each child the right to food. Children who are malnourished are identified and given food supplements until they reach a ‘normal’ weight. Lastly, mothers are taught about health risks and learn the main ways in which they can keep their children healthy.

With your donation, you can help realize the right to health for thousands of children and their families!

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