Internship testimonial – Aurélie Gigon

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Aurélie Gigon, holding a Master of Law Bilingual, student in Law School.
Fascinated by the field of children rights and vice-president of the association Aupadama, Aurélie achieved a 3 month internship at Humanium.

« During my studies in law, I always had a keen interest in the children rights, an area as exciting as it is varied, where the law can also express its human side … Active in various social causes related to children (summer camps for youth, library for children, a small and “familial” humanitarian organization…), it seemed only natural, when I was looking for a part-time work in parallel to my studies for the bar exam, to seek a position related to children rights.

I was fortunate to be selected by Humanium for the position of “Intern in Children Rights”. I learned a lot during these three months of internship in a friendly and dynamic team where enthusiasm reigns and where everyone’s opinion counts.

My tasks were varied and generally exciting: research, compiling statistics, writing articles for the Children’s Rights Portal and other various legal work…

In charge of developing the Children’s Rights Portal (, I could develop my skills and my autonomy. I was freely able to make proposals which I was then allowed to realize in my own way. This confidence really touched me and gave me wings to make my ideas concrete and lay the first stones of this project.

I also contributed to the implementation of the Children’s Rights Portal in English ( a major project that allowed me, in addition to developing my computer skills, to manage contacts with the amazing volunteers who work quietly, but still with plenty of motivation for Humanium. Further sympathetic meetings were held during my internship: I keep a vivid memory of one of them with Ms. Kalpana Sankar, the fascinating CEO of Hand in Hand, Humanium’s partner for the projects in India.

In the end, this is a wonderful human adventure that ends… I will miss this life at Humanium! »

« After the verb “to love,” “to help” is the most beautiful verb in the world. » (Bertha von Suttner) »